Monday, October 10, 2011

THIS Is The Big Announcement!

Remember I said I had an announcement to make?
Here it is: I've opened an Etsy store!

I'm so excited! I've been working out kinks and such for the past month or so and I'm relieved/ecstatic to finally have everything live! I'm selling hair clips made out of vintage Christmas decorations. Some of them are really super Christmas-sy and others are just really shiny :) I'm still gathering materials and making new things... There's going to be a bunch of stuff in the store soon, I just really wanted to go ahead and open the doors!
 You can also check out the Facebook Page

So, what do you think? Are any of you Etsy people? Any suggestions?

If you meet anyone looking for some kitschy, shiny accessories, send 'em my way!
Have a great evening,

1 comment:

  1. Oh... Congrats! I really really love the idea of making stuff out of christmas decoration! xx
